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Stun Gun



Ever increasing numbers of private citizens are turning to non lethal self defense products as effective interventions that can stop a crime in the making without killing the bad guy. Stun guns, TASERs (stun guns PLUS more), Mace, and pepper spray are examples of products for which the private citizen does not need a license to carry. While restrictions apply in roughly 8 states and several municipalities, as well as airports, schools, hospitals, etc., non lethal self defense products are allowed in most areas in the United States. The basic idea of the stun gun is to confuse this communication system by delivering a high voltage (very fast) combined with a low amperage (low intensity) charge to temporarily confuse the attacker's nervous system which eventually leads to disable an attacker for several minutes (depending on the attacker's body strength, mentality and pain tolerance). The high voltage allows the charge to quickly pass through clothing and skin, but the low 3-milliamp amperage is not intense enough to damage the attacker's body (unless applied for an extended period of time). Therefore, unlike lightening with high amperage, the electricity from a stun gun is non lethal.

By combining the understanding how the human body works with the knowledge of electrical current, stun guns have become one of the most effective and reliable non lethal weapons of our time. It is the self defense weapon of choice for personal protection.

Police and other law enforcement agencies around the world are making use of non lethal weapons in ever-increasing numbers. Weapons such as stun guns, stun batons and TASER devices are showing up on the utility belts of people charged with keeping members of the public safe in as many situations as possible. They try to provide protection while facing incredibly dangerous situations and greatly reducing the use of ordinary firearms. Most states allow civilians to have it for personal protection. Different areas might have different regulations. If you are in doubt and need more information, please contact your local law enforcement or sheriff's office and they should be able to tell you over the phone.

Stun guns come in an amazing array of sizes, shapes, and colors! While the vast majority of them are standard issue black, some models are also available in pink, red, silver, animal prints, and even camouflage. That means safety can also be fashionable. Heck, at least one model comes equipped with a built-in MP3 player: Safety and Sound!

Ever increasing numbers of private citizens are turning to non lethal self defense products as effective interventions that can stop a crime in the making without killing the bad guy. Stun guns, TASERs (stun guns PLUS more), Mace, and pepper spray are examples of products for which the private citizen does not need a license to carry. While restrictions apply in roughly 8 states and several municipalities, as well as airports, schools, hospitals, etc., non lethal self defense products are allowed in most areas in the United States. The basic idea of the stun gun is to confuse this communication system by delivering a high voltage (very fast) combined with a low amperage (low intensity) charge to temporarily confuse the attacker's nervous system which eventually leads to disable an attacker for several minutes (depending on the attacker's body strength, mentality and pain tolerance). The high voltage allows the charge to quickly pass through clothing and skin, but the low 3-milliamp amperage is not intense enough to damage the attacker's body (unless applied for an extended period of time). Therefore, unlike lightening with high amperage, the electricity from a stun gun is non lethal.

By combining the understanding how the human body works with the knowledge of electrical current, stun guns have become one of the most effective and reliable non lethal weapons of our time. It is the self defense weapon of choice for personal protection.

Police and other law enforcement agencies around the world are making use of non lethal weapons in ever-increasing numbers. Weapons such as stun guns, stun batons and TASER devices are showing up on the utility belts of people charged with keeping members of the public safe in as many situations as possible. They try to provide protection while facing incredibly dangerous situations and greatly reducing the use of ordinary firearms. Most states allow civilians to have it for personal protection. Different areas might have different regulations. If you are in doubt and need more information, please contact your local law enforcement or sheriff's office and they should be able to tell you over the phone.

Stun guns come in an amazing array of sizes, shapes, and colors! While the vast majority of them are standard issue black, some models are also available in pink, red, silver, animal prints, and even camouflage. That means safety can also be fashionable. Heck, at least one model comes equipped with a built-in MP3 player: Safety and Sound!

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